


The mission of 阿尔伯马尔学院’s (COA) 可及性服务 is to adapt the school’s general services to the specialized individual needs of persons with disabilities, and provide equal access to all programs and facilities.

Consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, COA is committed to equality of educational opportunities and ensures that no qualified person shall by reason of a disability be denied access to, 参与, or the benefits of any program or activity operated by the college. Each qualified person will receive reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities, 节目和活动.


为了安排测试, please complete the testing accommodations request form.

You may request reasonable accommodations by registering with the Accessibility Coordinator. 请 填写住宿申请表 and submit documentation of the disability (as defined by the ADA and Section 504) completed by a qualified professional. 请 allow a reasonable amount of time (about four weeks) for some accommodations to be implemented.

If you need accommodations for class, please submit your request four weeks in advance. Requests made after four weeks will be accommodated to the best of our ability.

Requests for accommodation without documentation will be kept on file for one year. 如果你在一年或更长时间后注册, 您将需要提交一个新的请求, and in some cases provide updated documentation.

  • A current diagnostic statement identifying your disability
  • The date of the current diagnostic evaluation
  • 最初诊断的日期
  • A description of the diagnostic criteria and/or the diagnostic test used
  • A description of the current functional impact
  • All treatments, medications, assistive devices and services currently prescribed or in use
  • The credentials of the diagnosing professional
  • A description of expected progression or stability of the impact of your disability over time
  • Professional recommendations regarding accommodations and services

Once documentation is received the student and support representative will develop an accommodation plan based on the documentation and student’s specific needs, and an educational accommodation notices will be provided for the student to sign.

The Accessibility Coordinator will send your plan of accommodation to your professors at the beginning of every semester. It is the student’s responsibility to advise their professor when they would like to use their accommodations.

Testing accommodations must be requested through the Accessibility Coordinator 48 business hours before the exam. Plans of accommodation are valid for one academic year. 在每学年的开始, 学生必须更新, 签一份新的住宿计划. 请安排你的考试时间 complete the testing accommodations request form.

Unsigned plans of accommodations will be kept on file for one year. If a student does not sign the plan of accommodation, the document will not be released to professors, 住宿也不提供.


可及性服务 for Dual-Enrolled High School Students

The requirements and procedures relating to accessibility services differ between public schools (K through 12) and colleges. The plan of accommodation provided by COA may not mirror accommodations provided in the high school setting. 虽然我们会努力保持一致, accommodations included in 504 and IEP plans written at the high school level may not always be offered through COA. The 可及性服务 Coordinator will review documentation provided by the student or high school, and develop a plan of accommodation based on the student’s needs. 一旦住宿计划制定好, the Accessibility Coordinator will send it to the high school to be signed by the student and school representative and returned. 一旦收到签署的文件, the student’s professors will receive the accommodation notices.

Plans of accommodation must be updated and signed each calendar year. 如果接受考试安排, students must request the accommodation 48 business hours before the exam.

High School and Postsecondary Disability Services Compared


请 provide the release of confidential information form to any doctors, schools or agencies that need to release information.


If you feel that you’ve received an improper accommodation or unfair treatment regarding your disability, 请参考 步骤5.3.4.2 for instructions on how to start the appeal process.  Student Services is here to help you access COA’s educational opportunities, 节目和活动, 我们欢迎您的提问和反馈. Feel free to stop by our offices or call to schedule an appointment.

